StarCraft 2 Is in Fact a MMO

StarCraft 2 Is in Fact a MMO

World of StarCraft to be unveiled on May 19 at Blizzard's South Korean Event

Next-Gen MMO from Blizzard

Next-Gen MMO from Blizzard

This time it's for real, but can it be StarCraft 2?

Blizzard Dismisses StarCraft 2 Announcement

Blizzard Dismisses StarCraft 2 Announcement

Rumors get dismissed, not announcements. What's going on here?

Blizzard's World Wide Invitational -  Starcraft 2 Confirmed

Blizzard's World Wide Invitational - Starcraft 2 Confirmed

Whether it's still a RTS, or becoming a MMO like WoW, it's being developed in 3D

3 Hours of MMO per Day in China

3 Hours of MMO per Day in China

Less than it takes to clear an instance in World of Warcraft

Using Other Programs While Running WoW Is Forbidden!

Using Other Programs While Running WoW Is Forbidden!

'...using any programs in conjunction with the World of Warcraft constitutes copyright violation...'

WoW - Account Hacked - Money Stolen - Not a Clue

WoW - Account Hacked - Money Stolen - Not a Clue

Why don't you check your account right now? You might just find that you've lost everything

University Bookstore Promoting WoW

University Bookstore Promoting WoW

Why bother to try and sell stupid books? Games like WoW sell much better.

WoW: The Burning Crusade - 3.5 Million Units Sold

WoW: The Burning Crusade - 3.5 Million Units Sold

The current figures for the expansion pack pushed the subscriber population to 8.5 million

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