The Lullaby of Life Review (PC)

very good
key review info
  • Game: The Lullaby of Life
  • Platform: PC
  • Show system requirements
  • Gamepad support: Yes  
  • Reviewed on:
The Lullaby of Life key art

My character might be a primordial particle or, possibly, the very essence of all life. The creature is blue, with a triangle body topped by two very expressive eyes. More importantly, three buttons sit on its belly and each of them makes a distinctive sound and emits a brightly colored light wave. This primordial being has also convinced three four buddies to party up, each with its own associated color and sound wave.

The group looks like protagonists of a cartoon series for young kids, but they have combined musical powers that hold the key to puzzle solving. We’ve successfully opened gates by pushing locking symbols from side to side, to then unlock them by emitting the required sound. We’ve also found other characters hidden in secret areas, which required a little more musical and movement coordination.

The current puzzle will probably help ignite the first sun, powering it up while breaking through a casing that holds back its light. My particle and its companions need to figure out how to create a harmonious melody while moving sound waves through different mediums and dealing with reverberations. I know the button-pushing sequence, but I still have to work out the right timing to light up the sky.

The Lullaby of Life is developed by 1 Simple Game, with publishing handled by Midwest Games. I played using Steam on the PC, and the game is also offered on the Nintendo Switch, the Xbox Series X and S, and the Xbox One. The title innovatively mixes puzzles and music.

The Lullaby of Life
The Lullaby of Life
The Lullaby of Life

Players take on the role of the prime mover of a universe that might or might not be ours. The game begins with the birth of this world, which is done by playing musical notes and sending out waves of sound. Then the player’s particle sets out on more complex adventures, moving through levels while using its powers to expand the domain of life.

This involves creating the elements and powering up the first star, massive accomplishments when it’s not clear whether the player’s avatar is a quark or an electron (maybe some sort of exotic particle). The game is also about creating a positive emotion that has no clear antagonist. It might not be a strong enough hook for some players, but the title gives off a warm, positive feeling.

When it comes to mechanics, The Lullaby of Life is all about solving puzzles by always playing the right notes. The main character starts off being able to move around this liquid universe and emit exactly one sound, generated when the player clicks on one button on his body. Colorful waves show how the note propagates through the world, mostly obeying the laws of physics. The game suggests a 3D universe, but the action takes place in two dimensions only.

The puzzles start off very simple, asking players to play a sound to get past a barrier or place another particle on a location to keep a passage open. The level of complexity gradually increases, and solutions require more interactions, involving more sound sources and environmental elements. Players have to trigger cascading melodies and use sensitive transmission chords to interact at a distance.

The player’s particle gains new buttons and sounds after traveling to alternate dimensions. And companions pop up to help handle the more difficult sequences. They tag along, sometimes getting stuck on corners, and have their own sound to play. A few need to be activated before they can play their note and emit a wave.

The Lullaby of Life strives to add variety to make sure gamers stay engaged. The puzzles are well-designed and sometimes it’s a good idea to simply press sound buttons, see what happens, and then push for a solution. The game also features a few chase sequences, which are less engaging. The idea is to avoid parasitic dark particles while seeking the safety of a light source. I understand the need to add some variety, but the tension introduced is at odds with the general relaxed atmosphere.

The Lullaby of Life wants to give players an experience, not to create the ultimate test for their puzzle-solving skills. The world is intriguing but there’s no complex narrative to engage with. It gives off warmth and embraces players in a comfortable musical hug. The one big thing missing is an option for cooperative play, which would allow players to create music and work with friends to make progress. I often played in short sessions, to unwind and see what kind of music emerges as I try out puzzle solutions.

The Lullaby of Life is colorful and nicely drawn and delivers a few moments of awe. The player’s particle doesn’t have much personality, other than its googly eyes, but its oddly shaped companions do and it’s always nice seeing them happily swim toward a new challenge. The clean visual design means that it is easy to quickly understand the challenge of each puzzle and start working toward a solution.

Given the general boldness of the visuals, the levels can feel a little drab. The soundtrack mixes whimsical and emotional in almost equal manners and communicates a feeling of discovery and fun. More importantly, it mixes well with the short player-created melodies that emerge from puzzle-solving. I got a seven-year-old to try the game and the kid quickly became more interested in making music than in creating a plan to make progress.

The Lullaby of Life
The Lullaby of Life
The Lullaby of Life

The Good

  • Music-driven puzzles
  • Googly-eyed character design
  • Positive vibes

The Bad

  • Limited world-building
  • Escape sequences
  • No coop mechanics


The Lullaby of Life is pleasant and relaxing, a perfect game to unwind after a long day of trying to learn complex mechanics or tackle massive bosses. Its setting and its characters are colorful while the story is mostly suggested. The sound-driven puzzles gently increase in complexity, but the focus is not on difficulty.

I suspect dedicated puzzle game fans might decide the experience lacks depth after a few hours. But it is approachable and very musical, making it a good choice for younger gamers and newcomers to the genre. The Lullaby of Life is a good indie effort that doesn’t feature too much innovation but does offer players plenty of puzzle-focused fun.

Review key provided by the publisher.

story 7
gameplay 8
concept 9
graphics 9
audio 9
multiplayer 0
final rating 8.5
Editor's review
very good
NEXT REVIEW: Cryptmaster

The Lullaby of Life screenshots (21 Images)

The Lullaby of Life key art
The Lullaby of LifeThe Lullaby of LifeThe Lullaby of LifeThe Lullaby of Life