The new update improves the system’s overall performance

Apr 25, 2018 10:46 GMT  ·  By

A few moments ago, Sony announced the availability of its new 5.53-01 firmware version suitable for PlayStation 4 gaming consoles, which only improves the system’s overall performance.

With this in mind, if you want to enhance your console a little more, or want it to run the latest software update, save the downloadable .PUP file, create a “PS4/UPDATE” path onto a FAT32-formatted USB stick and keep the firmware there.

Afterward, insert the stick into your PlayStation 4 system (make sure it is turned off), press and hold Power for at least 7 seconds to allow it to enter safe mode, navigate to Update System Software, and the console guides you through the installation.

However, bear in mind that, even though it seems obvious, removing the USB drive, turning the console off, making use of any of its buttons, or interrupting the installation process in any way might lead to serious device malfunctions.

In addition to that, if the console does not initiate the upgrade automatically or does not recognize the USB stick you just prepared, before jumping to conclusions, it would be a good idea to check the above-described steps to make sure you have followed them accurately.

Moreover, Sony has also provided a reinstallation package that allows owners to apply a clean 5.53-01 system software on their PS4 devices. The upgrade steps are the same but take into account that this process erases all saved data, configuration, and other files stored on the console.

That said, download Sony PlayStation 4 Firmware 5.53-01, apply it, and check our website as often as possible to stay “updated one minute ago.”