The developers are messing with people's minds

Dec 15, 2015 19:13 GMT  ·  By

How many of you remember the entire "what color is the dress" phenomenon that happened in early 2015? It looks like the developers of Just Cause 3 remembered and decided to play with people's emotions, at least for a little while.

Back in February 2015, a huge dispute started online regarding the color of a dress. Some people claimed that it was white and gold in color, others were seeing it as black and blue. Basically, the same image could present itself differently for different people.

Thousands of articles were written, scientists got involved, and the Internet was set ablaze by the discussions. Since this is just a brain failure or optical illusion, the discussions raged on for days. Like all viral phenomena, it eventually died down.

It turns out that the developers of Just Cause 3 from Avalanche Studios are quite the pranksters, and they wanted to reignite the debate by dressing a character in the famous dress. It worked for a while, according to a post on the Steam forums, but people quickly realized that there were actually two characters dressed in white and gold, and black and blue dresses to confuse people.

This is just an Easter egg from Avalanche Studios, and there are likely many others still waiting to be found. It's a shame that the game had some technical difficulties at launch because it deserves more attention than it's currently getting.