All interested players get access in one week

Apr 19, 2016 11:40 GMT  ·  By

The team at The Coalition in charge of running the beta for the coming Gears of War 4 is offering a new video that discloses a wide range of details about the three maps that players are now able to try out, called Dam, Foundation, and Harbor.

The footage is designed to offer information on the key concepts that were used to put together the environments and also give some insight into the best strategies to use on each.

At the moment, Gears of War 4 is in closed beta, accessible to those who have played the Gears of War: Ultimate collection on either the Xbox One or the PC, and keys for them are being delivered in waves.

On April 25, an open beta will be launched for the cover-based third-person shooter, and all those who want to see the kind of multiplayer experience that the title is offering will be able to jump in so that they can experience the three maps.

The developers are saying that they are gathering information about the core mechanics and the network infrastructure that will allow them to improve the final feature set of the game.

Gears of War 4 will be launched in October of this year and will only be offered on the Xbox One home console from Microsoft, although there are a group of players asking for a PC port to be created.

JD Fenix is the protagonist of the single-player campaign

The multiplayer side of the coming Gears of War 4 will be important for its long-term appeal, but there are plenty of fans who first want to experience a solid narrative that draws on some of the classic themes of the franchise.

The Coalition has chosen to push history forward by 25 years and explore the story of JD Fenix, the son of Marcus, who is operating with those friends outside of government authority as he tries to understand some of the mysterious events that affect the world and his family.

A new enemy called The Swarm is threatening Sera, and the unlikely trio of heroes will have to get more information about the nature of the opponent and defend themselves in some impressive locations.

Gears of War 4 will also tweak the cover shooter concepts by making weather an important element of the gameplay, with projectiles actually affected by storms that can appear out of nowhere and with a new focus on positioning.