The $100 yearly fee offers perks that should be free

Oct 24, 2019 12:27 GMT  ·  By

We don't think we need to remind you how broken Fallout 76 was at launch, and still is. However, Bethesda truly believes that it can squeeze a little bit more money from those who, for reasons unknown, are still playing the game.

After charging $60 for an incomplete game, full of bugs, which was far from what the company promised before launch, Bethesda started to give the game for free not long after release because there were not enough players to justify the resources it spent to fix Fallout 76.

Now, Bethesda announced Fallout 1st, a premium membership that offers some perks to Fallout 76 players, which should be free. Those who want to benefit from the perks offered by the membership will have to pay $100/year or $14/month, an outrageously high amount considering the state of the game.

Even well-established MMOs would have issues selling this type of membership, let alone a game like Fallout 76. Anyway, the main selling point of the premium membership is private worlds, one of the most community requested features. Basically, Bethesda asked Fallout 76 players what exactly they would like to see implemented in the game and then put a price on the most wanted one.

So, how do private worlds work? Fallout 76 players who want to play solo or just with a handful of friends will be able to use private worlds that save their progress when they're not playing. Those who pay for Fallout 1st will be able to invite up to seven friends at a time into their private world. All gameplay remains the same from Adventure Mode and all characters entering private worlds must be existing characters.

Fallout 1st membership benefits
Fallout 1st membership benefits

Keep in mind that only the owner of a private world is required to be a Fallout 1st member. If the owner of the private world leaves, the world will still stay active as long as one other player in the world is a Fallout 1st member.

In addition to private worlds, Fallout 1st members will receive a monthly bonus of 1,650 Atoms that they can use in the Atomic Shop to buy various cosmetics, as well as a private Scrapbox with unlimited storage. Another benefit of the membership is the new Survival Tent the comes complete with a Stash, Sleeping Bag, Scrapbox, and Cooking Station, which can act as a second fast travel point in addition to the main C.A.M.P.

Finally, a Ranger Armor Outfit, along with exclusive icons and emotes will be available for free for all Fallout 1st players. The premium membership is available starting today for all Fallout 76 players out there.

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Fallout 76 premium membership
Fallout 1st membership benefits
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