Plenty of high quality downloadable titles are making their way onto the Xbox 360

Jan 10, 2012 10:59 GMT  ·  By

The 2012 edition of Microsoft’s Xbox Live House Party promotion is rapidly approaching, so the company has just presented what high quality downloadable games it will bring to the Xbox Live Arcade.

Microsoft has always relied on special periods to release digital games for its Xbox 360, with promotions like the Xbox Summer of Arcade or the Indie Uprising creating more hype around important releases.

The next such offer will be the 2012 edition of the Xbox Live House Party, which sees the release of impressive games like Alan Wake’s American Nightmare, EA’s Warp, Ubisoft’s I Am Alive, or THQ’s Nexuiz.

A video promoting this offer can be found above, although a concrete start date for the House Party is unknown, at least at this point. Traditionally, however, the promotion starts around the end of February, so it might be wise to start saving up your Microsoft Points for these great games until then.

Expect more official details in the following weeks.