From Wow-Pen

May 18, 2007 14:33 GMT  ·  By

The carpal tunnel strain has become a great problem of today's computer world. You hear people complaining about it, you see them trying out new solutions and of course, you see manufacturers offering all sorts of products.

Waawoo is just one of those companies luring those in pain with a new concept, called the Wow-Pen ECO that aims to make the mouse a thing of the past. I am not making this up, their motto is "Say goodbye to your mouse".

I am not saying that their goal is unachievable, but it will take a lot of time to convince people to throw away their trusty desktop rodents.

Apparently, you hold the Wow-Pen naturally, as you would a pen or pencil and this reduces fatigue to a great extent. Also, contoured grooves along the side and back of the Wow Pen Eco's upright stand guide the user's hand into just the right grip.

"The placement of Wow Pen's right/left buttons and scroll wheel have been carefully positioned for comfortable use by all regardless of age or size. The Wow Pen is a great fit for regular PC users, gamers or graphic designers", the site description says.

So far so good. They have a new product, which seems to make the carpal tunnel strain a thing of the past. However, the Koreans are going too far with the layer of embedded Silver Nano. I mean, come on, are they maneuvering that thing in sewers or toilets? Sure there are germs, but what about buses and subways? Considering how many hands go through there, they should coat everything in Silver Nano.

Other than that, I like the Wow-Pen ECO, especially since it's only $50 plus shipping. Not to mention it has excellent performance for FPS gaming.

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