The project promises to offer a fully interactive virtual world

Mar 8, 2013 18:10 GMT  ·  By

Richard Garriott, also known as Lord British, creator of highly-acclaimed Ultima Series, recently kicked off a Kickstarter project with which he hopes to reinvent the classic role playing experience.

The project promises to offer a truly open world where players can interact with NPCs and objects without feeling constraint by choices.

Aside from the fully interactive virtual world, Shroud of the Avatar will be integrating a deep original fiction with “ethical parables, cultural histories and fully developed alternate language text.”

For those players who wish to experience an “in character” feeling, developers will offer physical game components, such as cloth map, fictional manuals, trinkets and alike.

Even though “Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtue” is a multiplayer online game, it can also be played solo offline.

Check out the video below for more details on Richard Gariott's “Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtue,” as well as the project's page on Kickstarter.