New character announcements will be made before launch

Feb 13, 2014 22:35 GMT  ·  By

The development team working on Super Smash Bros. at Nintendo announces that Little Mac is the newest character to be added to the roster of fighters that gamers will be able to control later during the year on the Wii U home console and the 3DS handheld.

Little Mac is the main character of the classic Punch Out franchise and his skill set is designed to center on boxing moves, allowing payers to get up close and personal with their enemies before knocking them out.

Super Smash Bros. has been constantly getting new character announcements for a while and Nintendo seems determined to add all the protagonists of its biggest franchise.

The game is widely seen as the 2014 release that has the biggest chance to push sales of the Wii U and the development team has promised to innovate, while keeping the core gameplay familiar to all long-term fans.