A certain device passes through the hands of the FCC

Jul 4, 2012 12:29 GMT  ·  By

Sony never really left the e-reader market, but its activity there hasn't exactly been stirring much of a fuss either, recently anyway.

That might soon change though, assuming the item that passed through the Federal Communications Commission is up to scratch.

Called PRS-T2, it is an e-reader of (apparently) 6 inches in diagonal.

It will be a successor to the PRS-T1, which has a 6-inch 800 x 600 e-ink display, 2 GB on-board storage, touchscreen input and a microSD card slot.

The PRS-T2 will lack 3G and Bluetooth, although Wi-Fi won't be absent. That said, the price shouldn't have too much trouble staying at the same $130 (103 Euro).

We'll provide more details as they appear, assuming they actually do. Most information is apparently restricted until September 29, 2012, so the launch could happen then or in October.