The PlayStation 3 is still the main console from Sony

Jan 9, 2012 22:41 GMT  ·  By

Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida doesn’t know anything about the PlayStation 4, at least according to his own statements, as he claims that the PS3 and the Vita are the main products in the PlayStation family.

While Sony is getting ready to deploy the PlayStation Vita handheld console, many industry analysts and sources claim that the full pledged PlayStation 4 isn’t too far behind, some speculating that we might see it in the next couple of years.

When asked about this presumed PS4, however, Sony’s Shuhei Toshida laughed and said that “I don't know what you are talking about."

The boss of the company’s Worldwide Studios quickly highlighted to CVG, however, that the Japanese corporation was focused on the PlayStation 3 and wanted to continue to support it and the upcoming Vita in the near future.

Until then, however, who knows what other things we might hear about the PlayStation 4.