Does this twin-stick shooter have what it takes to survive?

Jan 27, 2012 22:21 GMT  ·  By

Radian Games has decided to follow up on its highly successful Super Crossfire arcade shooter with quite a few new games. Among them, there is Ballistic, a gorgeous twin-stick shooter that tasks players with surviving wave upon wave of different types of enemies.

We decided to give Ballistic a try and see if it’s worth investing in the shooter or if your twin sticks are better suited to other types of experiences.

In case you’ve played other games from Radian, you’ll feel quite at home with Ballistic’s visual style, as the same sharp and vibrant neon colors are present. This suits the gameplay perfectly, as shooting the variety of enemies makes the whole experience a visually delightful one.

In terms of gameplay, Ballistic is a pure twin-stick shooter that sees players control a small ‘ship’ in an environment that’s slowly filling with enemies.

Every wave has a few bombs spawn on the map and, if you can get to them in one piece, you can trigger for a big explosion that usually eliminates around half the enemies on screen, depending on their proximity to the blast.

Just like in Super Crossfire, Ballistic has a sort of level up mechanic where every 5 waves you can select various enhancements for your ship. These can range from increased life to faster movement, a bigger blast radius for the bombs, and other such things.

In terms of enemy variety, Ballistic handles pretty well, as there are quite a lot of different enemy ships, starting from simpler types to ones equipped with shields, usually on a single part of their fuselage, or bigger enemies that can take quite a lot of punishment before they go down.

You can check out a video of Ballistic and get ready for our full review at the beginning of next week.