The man denies having any implications with the FBI

Oct 17, 2011 12:37 GMT  ·  By

A security consultant has been involved in the Occupy Wall Street movement even more than the infamous group called Anonymous as he has been intercepting conversations between the protestors, forwarding each of them to the police and the FBI, hoping to undermine the demonstrations.

Thomas Ryan, who claims to have worked as a security instructor for the US Army and other government agencies, got hold of a mailing list belonging to some of the people who occupy Wall Street each day.

He and his team called Black Cell, which he names of being “the most-highly trained and capable physical, threat and cyber security professionals in the world” fear that this is a conspiracy to stop global financial markets and that's why they're doing everything in their power to put a stop to it.

Gawker informs us of two emails in particular, both being sent by Ryan to FBI special agent Jordan T. Loyd, one of the men most involved in putting a stop to the movement and catching the hacker masterminds that support it. The second message was also sent to the NYPD since it involved a demonstration outside the NYPD headquarters.

"Should we bring some folks from Liberty Plaza to chant "SHAME" for the NYPD's recent brutalities on Thursday night for the Troy Davis and Saturday for the Occupy Wall Street march?" read the leaked email.

It seems as companies are also alerted by Ryan when he learns of potential protests that might take place outside their offices, but as it turns out, all his digging might be in vain as according to David Graeber, one of the leaders of the march, all the planing takes place face-to-face and the emails hardly contain their plans.

Even though the man denies having any involvement with the FBI, he recently published a large quantity of documents which were supposed to undermine the demonstrations, but in the process, he also attached some of his own emails, revealing his true intentions.