At least one handset is expected next month at Italian carrier TIM

Oct 18, 2011 06:55 GMT  ·  By

Finnish mobile phone maker Nokia is expected to unveil to the world their first smartphone powered by Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system before the end of October, which being set to make them available for purchase next month.

For the time being, no specific details on the handsets that should arrive on the market at that time have been unveiled, but leaked documents that emerged over at iPhoneItalia show that November is the lucky time frame for enthusiasts.

At least Italian carrier TIM will have the new devices available for its customers next month, though info on the exact release date and on the pricing of these devices did not emerge for the time being.

One thing that is certain is that November is indeed shaping up as the launch window for Nokia's first Mango devices, as reports on these phones being launched in other European countries next month also emerged.