A preview version of the MetricsHub Active Cloud Monitoring system is already available

Mar 5, 2013 14:20 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has recently announced the acquisition of MetricsHub, a cloud monitoring startup that participated in the Microsoft Accelerator for Windows Azure program.

MetricsHub is the company behind the so-called Active Cloud Monitoring, a technology designed to automate cloud performance management.

While no financial terms have been provided, Microsoft said that a preview version of the aforementioned technology is already available in the Windows Azure Store, providing a great feature package “to save customers time, money and headaches.”

“Their approach to automating performance optimization, with little effort on the part of customers, addresses these issues. It also ensures customers are only paying for what they need and maximizing the services they’re using,” Bob Kelly, corporate vice president, Strategy and Business Development, said in a statement after the acquisition was officially completed.