URLs also indicate there are new laptops on the way from Apple

Oct 18, 2011 11:14 GMT  ·  By

Two mysterious listings for ‘MacBook Pro Memory Model’ on Apple’s online store has some people thinking Apple just leaked its own plans to introduce new laptops. The entries are tied to a November launch.

As the screenshot above shows, Apple is featuring two entries for ‘MacBook Pro Memory Module’ with the links yet to direct to any valid pages.

The shipping estimate for whatever these new products are is November, according to the same listings.

Even more intriguing are the numbers contained in the URLs which, according to 9to5mac, are believed to be spare part designations for unreleased MacBook Pros.

It has been speculated that Apple might soon launch models with Bluetooth 4.0 capabilities, as well as slight processor speed bumps. Not only is this fairly possible, Apple has every reason to do so ahead of the holiday season.

I’ll keep an eye out for the yellow sticky sign just in case.