Gamers can claim bonus packages for other Zynga titles

Dec 4, 2012 14:21 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Zynga announces that it plans to close down its social game Mafia Wars 2 on December 30 of this year, shutting down the entire infrastructure linked to the title and encouraging players to switch to one of the other similar experiences that it is offering.

According to, all those interested can claim a bonus package for titles like CastleVille, ChefVille, FarmVille 2, Mafia Wars or YoVille in order to compensate for the short notice before the game is shut down.

Mafia Wars 2 has failed to capture the imagination of players even as the original continues to perform reasonably well thanks to a dedicated fan base.

Zynga is closing down a number of its less profitable social games in order to free up resources that can be used to create higher quality game experiences in the near future.