New design

Mar 17, 2005 10:08 GMT  ·  By

It's not a joke when the open-source community gets busy. Whenever Windows issues monthly security bulletins attempting to fix security breaches, the amount of fixes rarely exceeds 10-12 severe Microsoft issues.

Linux is a bit different: this operating system also has bugs and needs fixes and improvements, but when a new version brings 6.000 bug-fixes... one tends to take it seriously. KDE Project version 3.3 for instance accomplished such a performance last year. KDE is the classical desktop of several Linux distributions, including Linspire, Mandrake, SuSE and Xandros, but is also available for Debian, Gentoo, Fedora and Red Hat.

One of them celebrates today the release of version 5.0; Linspire announced that the new OS was revised for a whole year, bringing today more than 1.200 fixes to the previous version.

The system includes the applications, a browser, email and instant messaging clients, multimedia playback software, as well as picture and music file management software. The graphics were completely redesigned, and the support for mobile systems was highly improved.

Other improvements to this OS can be purchased via "Click and Run", a software library selling more than 2000 applications.

Operating system installation should not be a problem. However, sound card installations sometimes tend to generate serious complications. Linux beginners are provided with a generous support and advice chapter, making Linspire 5.0 much more accessible.

More details about Linspire 5.0 here.