Local event will take place in dozens of cities across the country

Oct 21, 2011 18:41 GMT  ·  By

The Italian Linux Day, a national event which aims to promote GNU/Linux and free software, is set to take place on tomorrow, October 22nd.

Local LUGs (A Linux User Group or Linux Users' Group) organize events such as meetings, debates, installation partys. There will also be seminars, workshops and conferences.

The events are organized all over the country and everyone who is willing to participate can use the official website to see what's the closest city.

The responsibility of individual local events is left to the respective group organizers, who have freedom of choice regarding details of local initiatives, in accordance with the guidelines of the general event.

The first edition of the Italian Linux Day was held on December 1st, 2001 in about 40 cities scattered throughout the country. The number has grown considerably over the years.