Valve has made a new repository available for SteamOS users

Dec 19, 2013 15:09 GMT  ·  By

Valve has released SteamOS but without the simple means to update the distribution. This has changed now with the launch of the “alchemist_beta” repository

Valve has now released a new repository called alchemist_beta that will allow users to keep their SteamOS system updated.

“SteamOS currently has two different repositories, ‘alchemist’ and ‘alchemist_beta.’ ‘alchemist_beta’ is a testing release where fixes and features will gradually accumulate on a daily or weekly basis,” says the official FAQ.

According to Valve, If you want to opt your machine into alchemist_beta, you can run this command from a terminal session on the desktop:

sudo apt-get install steamos-beta-repo

This means that the distribution will now take its updates from the Beta repository. Valve also posted the following warning:

“There is no easy way to opt out of the beta, you will need to either restore your system partition or wait for ‘alchemist’ to catch up to the alchemist_beta.”

Enjoy SteamOS!