Nov 8, 2010 20:51 GMT  ·  By
Snap-On Smile promises the appearance of perfect teeth – without damage to natural teeth
   Snap-On Smile promises the appearance of perfect teeth – without damage to natural teeth

Nothing beats a beautiful, bright, near-perfect smile. For those who consider veneers too risky of those who wouldn’t want to have a dentist whiten their chompers, there is another option available: the Snap-On Smile.

The Snap-On Smile is exactly what its name suggests: a custom-made set of false teeth that one attached to his or her natural teeth for “special” occasions.

The procedure needs to be done by the dentist – for the customization part – and is completely painless and not at all expensive.

Claire Coleman of the Daily Mail, seeing how the Snap-On Smile is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, has decided to give it a try.

And the conclusion is a fairly satisfactory one, especially if you’re bent on having a white, near-perfect smile: the fake teeth are almost convincing and almost unnoticeable.

Getting the Snap-On Smile is nearly £900 (including the consultation and the fitting), which means it’s much cheaper than veneers – and clearly less risky, since the natural tooth is not harmed in any way.

Once you get over the first impression, namely, that you’re wearing those Halloween plastic vampire teeth, Snap-On Smile almost feels – and looks – natural, Coleman writes.

“It’s great for anyone who is a bit scared of drilling or doesn’t want to commit to the time and expense of veneers, but still wants to improve the appearance of their teeth, say for a wedding,” Dr. Jag Basrai tells Coleman.

However, patients interested in getting fitted for a new set of fake teeth must pay attention when choosing the shape of the teeth, as well as their color.

For instance, Coleman suggests, with help from Dr. Basrai, of course, to choose a shape that is close to the natural one, so that the Snap-On Smile doesn’t make you unrecognizable to your friends.

Also, you should be careful not to go for too white a shade: the teeth must match the white of the eyes. Any whiter and they instantly look fake.

“I’m having a slight ­problem even talking with it in — though it’s very thin, it still takes up extra room, so if your own teeth stick out, it’s not going to be for you. As for eating, having experimented at home with pasta, I just wouldn’t,” Coleman says of the downsides.

Presumably, those who wore braces as kids must get a very familiar vibe from the Snap-On Smile.

“It may not be cheap, but it’s virtually pain-free, has left my teeth intact and, though it looks strange to me, is a lot more natural than many of the grins I’ve seen on the red carpet,” Coleman concludes by saying.