Gamers are able to enjoy all the new features of the football sim

Sep 11, 2012 07:57 GMT  ·  By

EA Sports plans to launch the demo for the upcoming FIFA 13 on the PC, the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 today and those who pick it up will be able to play matches using the following teams: Manchester City, AC Milan, Arsenal, Dortmund and Juventus.

The demo for the FIFA series is usually limited to matches that last just four minutes, but they are often enough to show the player base the main changes that a new installment delivers.

FIFA 13 is set to enhance the Player Impact Engine and offer more realism, while also introducing a feeling of unpredictability to the matches.

There are also improvements to the graphics of the game and a new commentary team, along with the usual changes made to team roosters and stadium layouts.

FIFA 13 will be launched on the PC, home consoles and handheld devices on September 25 in the United States and on the 28th in Europe.