We are playing Oblivion, FM 2012, Uncharted 3 and Shadow Gun

Nov 4, 2011 21:41 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: It's just one week until Bethesda launches The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which might well be the biggest game of the year for me, so I plan to spend my weekend playing a little bit of Oblivion in order to re-familiarize myself with the series a little.

I admit to coming late to the series and I have always felt that the fantasy setting was a little bit too mainstream for me but the sheer size of the world and the variety of the quests offered in Oblivion finally won me over.

In going back I might also take a look at the mods that have been developed for it, some of them quite impressive if forum write-ups are to be believed, but the time will probably be too short to properly explore them all.

And, of course, I will spend some more time with Football Manager 2012, from Sports Interactive and SEGA, in my third season with Arsenal, trying to find a way to beat Barcelona in a third consecutive Champions League final.

Andrei Dobra: While I'll no doubt be a bit busy this weekend with my pesky real life, I'll definitely try and make some time for Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, the stunning PlayStation 3 game from developer Naughty Dog.

While in my review of the game I complained of a few things, Uncharted 3 is still a stunning title that deserves to have all of its modes experienced, from the top notch single-player story, to the cooperative campaign or the online multiplayer mode.

When I won't be taking Nathan Drake through all sorts of new adventures, I'll probably dedicate my time to a tablet game called Shadow Gun, a third person shooter that looks extremely impressive. While I might take some time to adjust to the lack of analog thumbsticks, like on a regular console controller, I'll brave this small obstacle to try out this interesting mobile title.