Aug 13, 2010 20:21 GMT  ·  By

Andrei Dumitrescu: I think I am done with Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty. I have not need to go back and get more Achievements, even if some of them seem interesting when I read about them on the post match screen.

I also have no inclination to get back into multiplayer and loose more games in an almost shameful manner. I just do not feel like I am having any kind of fun with the multiplayer matches and learning build orders and keyboard shortcuts feels more like work than play.

So this weekend I plan to spending as much time as possible with Victoria II, the new grand strategy title from Paradox Interactive that covers the XIX century and then the beginning of the XX.

It's maybe the most population focused title that the company has in its line up, which includes Hearts of Iron and Europa Universalis. There are some very complex screens to go through and digest but the experience I've had so far is engaging without being overwhelming.

Mihail Cernea: StarCraft II and the nearing launch of Civilization V have managed to get me in the mood for strategy games. I plan to engage in two titles distributed by Paradox Interactive, Victoria II and Commander: Conquest of the Americas.

I saw Andrei play Victoria II all of this week and I must say I'm impressed with the game's complexity. I hope it won't be too overwhelming, when I try to conquer France with the might of the British Empire, the most powerful nation in the world at that time.

I also plan to eliminate the Spanish and the Dutch from the American continents in Commander: Conquest of the Americas and allow my British forces to gain a strong foothold. My virtual colonies will probably never get to become an independent state after all. I have not played East India Company so I am quite curios about what Nitro Games is capable of.

Of course, I will continue on my quest to become a decent StarCraft II player and rise on through Blizzard's excellent league system.