Gamers will be able to experience a new environment

Jan 26, 2015 07:50 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Evolution Studios is announcing that the new track set to be launched for DriveClub, its PlayStation 4 racing game, is called Icona Volcano and is set to be offered for free to all those who own the title during the coming week.

The official reveal trailer is designed to show off the most interesting elements of the new environment and the developers state, “It's raining very hard and I'm a little bit too keen on the throttle (all or nothing!), so please forgive me making a hash of the epic hairpin section!”

DriveClub had quite a few issues when it was launched in October, and since then, the teams at Evolution and Sony have worked hard to deliver updates in order to make sure that the multiplayer side of the game works well and to introduce more content for free.

A range of network-related problems have been eliminated and players who have played the game are saying that it is now offering a unique set of mechanics that show how the genre can evolve on the PlayStation 4.

The racing experience seems to be very solid at the moment, but the two companies have failed to deliver the stripped-down PS Plus version of the game so far and it’s unclear whether it will ever be launched.