The new app release comes with a series of small enhancements

Aug 14, 2013 07:10 GMT  ·  By

A new flavor of the Google Play Store is now available for download for the owners of Android-based devices, namely version 4.3.11.

The new release comes as a minor update over the 4.3.10 iteration, bringing along a series of small improvements, but supposedly unable to resolve the “Invalid Package File” error.

According to the guys over at Android Police, the new application iteration comes with updated plural translations for a variety of locales, including: bg, es-rUS, fr, id, in, ja, ko, ms, pt, pt-rPT, ro, ru, sk, sl, th, tl, tr, vi, zh-rCN.

Furthermore, they have found a series of changes to the SearchAdapter and PlayTabContainer, supposedly fixes for item counts, query suggestions, and layout width.

Most probably, Android users will be served with another update for the software in the not too distant future, one that will resolve the aforementioned issue with the updating and installing of apps.

Download Google Play Store 4.3.11 for Android