Some Bots-related changes have been included as well

Mar 30, 2013 05:11 GMT  ·  By

One day after Valve introduced a new hero after a long time, the company released a small patch for Dota 2 that fixes some of the issues brought by the previous update.

It appears that some of Rigwarl the Bristleback's powers did not work correctly, and those using this hero were at a disadvantage. The following skills have been fixed in this minor patch:

- Bristleback: Fixed Quill Spray stacks being removed by Dark Pact and Kraken Shell. - Bristleback: Fixed Warpath's oldest stack duration not getting refreshed if another spell was cast with max stacks. - Rubick: Fixed Rubick gaining infinite no-collision if he stole another spell while following the Spectral Dagger path.

The update also adds a Netolic Pro League Ticket and particle effects, haste animation and upgraded courier quality.

Last but not least, some bots-related improvements and fixes have been added as well, you can check them out below:

- Bots will now sometimes use Medallion of Courage on neutrals; - Fixed BH potentially selling a stout shield that he needs to make poor man's shield; - Sand King will now break Sandstorm if he's not invisible.