Check out the upcoming add-on in action ahead of its release next week

Apr 11, 2013 14:33 GMT  ·  By

Dishonored is getting ready to receive its first story-based downloadable add-on next week, in the form of Knife of Dunwall, and a fresh gameplay video has just been revealed, showcasing footage from the new DLC.

Dishonored came out last year and has since received one add-on, in the form of the Dunwall City Trials, which tested the skills of dedicated players.

Now, developer Arkane and publisher Bethesda are preparing to release a special Knife of Dunwall story-based expansion that focuses on the assassin Daud.

The two companies have already released a special patch for the game ahead of the DLC's launch and now an actual gameplay video with the add-on in action has appeared.

As you can see above, Daud goes through quite a few interesting adventures in the expansion and will be forced to execute a wide variety of targets.

The Knife of Dunwall DLC is out on April 16 for PC, PS3, and Xbox 360 for $9.99/€9.99/800 MS Points.