Check out the co-op mode of the dungeon crawling RPG in action

Jun 12, 2013 07:01 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard and Sony have just released the first multiplayer video of Diablo 3 running on the PlayStation 3 console, showing off both the online and offline cooperative modes.

Diablo 3 was released last year on the PC and Mac platforms, with Blizzard promising that it was still exploring the possibility of bringing the action role-playing game onto consoles.

Earlier this year, the studio confirmed that Diablo 3 would appear not just for the current PlayStation 3, but also for the PlayStation 4 next-gen device. A few weeks ago, Blizzard also revealed that Diablo III would appear for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Now, a multiplayer gameplay video of the dungeon crawler running on the PS3 has just been released, showing off the competitive action that's possible in the RPG.

Diablo 3 is out this September on the PS3 and Xbox 360, and later this year for PS4 and Xbox One.