Video, audio, bots and workshop also receive tweaks

Mar 14, 2013 22:41 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Valve is launching yet another update for its Multiplayer Online Battle Arena title, DOTA 2, complete with an extensive list of notes that address a range of gameplay issues but also audio, visual and workshop problems.

The development team is also enhancing the abilities of the bots that MOBA fans can train with.

Valve seems to be interested in making the experience as solid as possible for its fans and all those who want to learn the minutiae of the update need to head to the official announcement from Valve.

DOTA 2 is currently in closed beta and Valve seems to be determined to keep the game away from the general public until it's sure that the experience is perfectly balanced and bug free.

The title faces competition from League of Legends and from the coming Blizzard All-Stars.