The fan favorite from Modern Warfare 2 makes a comeback in the new game

Jul 4, 2012 22:21 GMT  ·  By

Infinity Ward has confirmed that it’s going to release a new multiplayer map for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 for free, in the form of Modern Warfare 2 fan favorite Terminal.

New content for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been rumored in the past months but developer Infinity Ward has emphasized that, until something is official, fans shouldn’t get too excited.

Now, the studio’s Executive Producer, Mark Rubin, has confirmed that a free map will soon be released for Modern Warfare 3, in the form of Terminal, one of the most popular multiplayer levels from Modern Warfare 2.

A concrete release date will be announced later this week, according to Rubin, so fans will have to wait until then.

The map will be a free download and is expected to arrive first on the Xbox 360 and then on platforms like the PS3 or PC.