The free add-on that comes with any pre-order has received a few more details

Mar 28, 2013 20:16 GMT  ·  By

Barely has Battlefield 4 been revealed and already its first DLC has been leaked thanks to a special poster that advertises the game's first add-on, Drone Strike.

Battlefield 4 was revealed to the world earlier this week through a special 17-minute gameplay video as well as some great screenshots and details.

Fans quickly learned that the game is already available for pre-order and that, by doing so, they'll get free access to the first "Premium" DLC for the first-person shooter.

Now, that first DLC has been leaked thanks to a poster photographed by a NeoGAF forum member.

The add-on is called Drone Strike but, unfortunately, not much else is known.

Given its name, you can bet that the add-on is going to bring drones to the multiplayer matches of Battlefield 4.

As of yet, neither DICE nor EA has commented on this leak.