Users can share apps, content, music and more through simply touching devices

Oct 19, 2011 18:41 GMT  ·  By

One of the features that the new Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich will arrive on devices with is Android Beam, which takes advantage of the NFC capabilities that Android devices sport.

Through this new feature, users will able to easily share content between their devices, regardless whether that includes apps, contacts, music, videos or other files.

App in a very simple and easy to use manner, without the need to paid devices, open menus or applications, and the like. All the be done through simply touching the two Android-powered devices, then tap to send.

When it comes to sharing applications, Android Beam will sent a link to the app's details page in Android Market, so that it can be downloaded on the other device.

Google also announced that applications can build on Android Beam to provide users with different types of interactions.