Laura SinpetruSoftpedia editor profile and review archive

Hey, there! From where I stand, it seems that my life-long passion for animals and nature, together with my avid interest in everything that has to do with the written word, finally paid off, as now I get to spend my time reporting on how important the natural world is and on how we all should focus on taking better care of it.

OK, maybe when I was one-year-old I didn't really know how to make heads or tails of what was around me, but once I began to grow up, I sparked a sudden interest in most of the things having to do with the environment.

Otherwise, I'm your average chirpy young lady, who enjoys spending time with friends – outdoors, if possible – and browsing for new editions of relatively old books in libraries.

Hopefully, you'll have as much fun reading my articles as I have writing them!

Contact Laura Sinpetru:

Articles by Laura Sinpetru:


Man-Made Mist Saves Dwarf Toad from Extinction

The headcount for the species dropped from 17,000 to 499 after the construction of a dam
by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012
One Minute of Pressure Cooking Turns Algae Into Crude Oil

One Minute of Pressure Cooking Turns Algae Into Crude Oil

by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012
By pressure cooking algae for 60 seconds, researcher says he can turn them into crude oil

Seven Baby Pandas Take Group Pictures Together

The cubs were all born at a breeding center in China, delight staff and visitors
by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012

Monkey Is Very Fond of Wine, Drinks a Bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon

Witnesses say the animal looked quite “relaxed” after drinking it
by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012
Artist Uses Fruits, Vegetables to Make Stunning Geometrical Patterns

Artist Uses Fruits, Vegetables to Make Stunning Geometrical Patterns

by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012
His work proves food is not just for eating and can easily be turned into art

Vicious Polar Bear Tackles Frankenstein's Monster, Drowns It

The world is a safer place, all thanks to this brave animal
by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012

Protester Crashes Romney Rally, Security Removes Him by Force – Video

“End Climate Silence” read the banner held by this man
by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012

500 Cats Saved from Being Served as Food in Chinese Restaurants

While the animals were crammed in a truck, the driver said he was transporting rabbits
by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012
Asian Elephant Speaks Korean, Communicates with Its Handlers

Asian Elephant Speaks Korean, Communicates with Its Handlers

by Laura Sinpetru, November 2nd, 2012
Koshik lacks human vocal chords, somehow found a way to utter words
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