Laura SinpetruSoftpedia editor profile and review archive

Hey, there! From where I stand, it seems that my life-long passion for animals and nature, together with my avid interest in everything that has to do with the written word, finally paid off, as now I get to spend my time reporting on how important the natural world is and on how we all should focus on taking better care of it.

OK, maybe when I was one-year-old I didn't really know how to make heads or tails of what was around me, but once I began to grow up, I sparked a sudden interest in most of the things having to do with the environment.

Otherwise, I'm your average chirpy young lady, who enjoys spending time with friends – outdoors, if possible – and browsing for new editions of relatively old books in libraries.

Hopefully, you'll have as much fun reading my articles as I have writing them!

Contact Laura Sinpetru:

Articles by Laura Sinpetru:


2012 Is the Hottest Year on Record for the US, Meteorologist Jeff Masters Says

Data provided by NOAA and other similar organizations back up this statement
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012

Pro-Fracking Researcher Quits After Conflict of Interests Is Revealed

C. Groat writes report in favor of fracking, fails to mention money ties with the industry
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012
Spotlight: The ELF EV Is a Solar and Pedal Powered Hybrid – Video

Spotlight: The ELF EV Is a Solar and Pedal Powered Hybrid – Video

by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012
This is the cleanest, most efficient vehicle in the world, manufacturers claim

Climate Change Forces the Mississippi River to Shut Down

Severe droughts and record low snowfalls are the main culprits
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012

Researchers Turn Urine Into Viable Brain Cells

Human excreta contains cells that can be made to shift into neurons, study claims
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012

Evidence Suggests the Biblical Flood Actually Happened, Robert Ballard Says

The underwater archaeologist who found the Titanic believes this part of the Bible is true
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012

Costa Rica: the First Latin American Country to Ban Hunting as a Sport

Under the new legislation, hunters get up to four months in prison and whopping fines
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012
Bambi, Rudolph and Friend Take Over Horse Racetrack – Video

Bambi, Rudolph and Friend Take Over Horse Racetrack – Video

by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012
The deer are proclaimed the winners of the race by announcer Roger Huston

2030 to Witness Droughts, Hunger and a Weakened US

Report released by the US National Intelligence Council paints a gloomy future
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012

Father and Son Drive a Tesla Model S over 400 Miles on a Single Charge

The two contained the Guinness World Records organization, hope to get in their book
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012

Ohly: Dog Spends 2 Weeks on Mt. Seymour, Gets Rescued by Helicopter

Public donations of $9,000 (€6,968) were used to pay for the helicopter rescue mission
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012

Sea Shepherd Debuts $2 Million (€1.54 M) SSS Sam Simon, Courtesy of The Simpsons' Producer

The ship was bought from the Japanese government, will be used to fight Japanese whalers
by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012
Wind and Solar Could Power Grid 99.9% of the Time

Wind and Solar Could Power Grid 99.9% of the Time

by Laura Sinpetru, December 11th, 2012
Coupled with storage technologies, these energy sources could slash electricity costs

US Winter Tourism Lost $1 Billion and 27,000 Jobs to Climate Change

Warmer temperatures impact on snowfall patterns, drive tourists away
by Laura Sinpetru, December 10th, 2012
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