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Curry and Onion Ingredients to Cure Colon Cancer

Quercetin in onions and curcumin in curry make a combination that successfully beats up colon cancer
by Alexandra Lupu, August 3rd, 2006

Lifestyle Factors to Predict Dementia

Like in the case of strokes and heart attacks, scientists tracked down some lifestyle key factors that can predict the incidence of dementia later in life
by Alexandra Lupu, August 3rd, 2006

Obese Claim to Eat Healthy and Exercise a Lot

If this is true, how come they do not lose weight?
by Alexandra Lupu, August 3rd, 2006
Mushroom Extract Active Against Prostate Cancer

Mushroom Extract Active Against Prostate Cancer

by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006
Combined with the doxorubicin drug, the mushroom extract boosts annihilation of cancerous cells in patients' bodies

The Ancient Secrets of Acupuncture

Releasing the free flow of the vital energy throughout our bodies will keep our health intact
by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006

Low Calorie Foods are The Best Choice

People that have a low calories diet eat a larger amount of food than those on richer calories fare
by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006

Omega - 3 Intake Slows Prostate Cancer

Tests on mice showed that amounts of omega 3 essential fatty acids should be increased over the amounts of omega 6 fatty acids intake
by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006

9/11 Dust to Cause Lung Disorders in Rescue Workers

Dust particles from the collapse of World Trade Center in 2001 caused respiratory disorders in rescue workers present at the disaster place
by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006

Cannabis Prevents Conception and LeadS to Miscarriage

If a woman who is on the verge of getting pregnant or is in an early stage of pregnancy smokes cannabis, then the body's signaling system is blocked
by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006
Much Ado About Avian Flu Theory

Much Ado About Avian Flu Theory

by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006
Bird flu epidemic may be less likely than previously thought

New Vaccine to Inhibit Hunger Hormone

Injected in rats, the vaccine led to losing body weight and fat even if the animals ate normally
by Alexandra Lupu, August 2nd, 2006

Health Benefits from Eucalytpus

Eucalytpus oil is an extremely potent antiseptic and anti-infective agent
by Alexandra Lupu, July 31st, 2006

Toxoplasmosis - The Silent Enemy of Our Health

Toxoplasmosis is an infection that can cause a wide range of health disorders in people with weakened immune systems
by Alexandra Lupu, July 31st, 2006

Possible Cure for Muscular Dystrophy Found

Removing the toxic messenger RNA from our body can reverse muscular dystrophy symptoms
by Alexandra Lupu, July 31st, 2006

Skin Cancer Rarer, but More Dangerous in Dark Skinned People

Dark skinned individuals can also develop melanoma and skin cancer and they are more prone to die from it than white people
by Alexandra Lupu, July 31st, 2006
Don't Put The Watermelon in the Fridge!

Don't Put The Watermelon in the Fridge!

by Alexandra Lupu, July 31st, 2006
When cold or refrigerated, water melon is less nutritious

Nicotine Replacement Therapy Less Effective than Thought

About 30% of smokers that kicked the habit due to the therapy started smoking again after a year or more
by Alexandra Lupu, July 31st, 2006
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