Student Notifies Queensland University of Technology of XSS Flaw

Student Notifies Queensland University of Technology of XSS Flaw

Milad Hosseni helps the educational institution address a vulnerability in its website

Hackers Leak Database Info from DHS and UA Sites to Prove Vulnerabilities

Hackers Leak Database Info from DHS and UA Sites to Prove Vulnerabilities

The Holy Lulz Crusade launched by Team Dig7tal continues

Holy Lulz Crusade: Hackers Target Canadian Government and University Sites

Holy Lulz Crusade: Hackers Target Canadian Government and University Sites

A large number of dumps and proof-of-concepts were published online by Team Dig7tal

Indian Hackers Leak Data from Panpacific University North Philippines

Indian Hackers Leak Data from Panpacific University North Philippines

Chinese hackers aren't the only ones to target Filipino websites

University of New Brunswick Hacked, Login Data Leaked

University of New Brunswick Hacked, Login Data Leaked

A number of clear text passwords were made public by the hacker

University of North Carolina-Charlotte: 350,000 SSNs Exposed

University of North Carolina-Charlotte: 350,000 SSNs Exposed

The information was available online for over a decade

TeamGhostShell Leaks 150,000 User Credentials from Chinese University

TeamGhostShell Leaks 150,000 User Credentials from Chinese University

The incident demonstrates once again that MD5 hashes are easy to decrypt

Anonymous to UP: Apologize to Your Students or We Leak Data

Anonymous to UP: Apologize to Your Students or We Leak Data

The hackers claim to possess over 200 gigabytes of information

Colombia University Exposes Details of 3,500 Individuals for 2 Years

Colombia University Exposes Details of 3,500 Individuals for 2 Years

Social security numbers and bank account numbers were published on the Internet

University of Palermo Hacked, 139 SSHA Password Hashes Leaked

University of Palermo Hacked, 139 SSHA Password Hashes Leaked

Hackers part of Team Dig7tal claim they found "juicy" data

Hackers Leak Admin Credentials from University of Massachusetts Site (Updated)

Hackers Leak Admin Credentials from University of Massachusetts Site (Updated)

Team Dig7tal leaked 11 administrator usernames and passwords

Stanford University Hacked Again, 978 Users Exposed

Stanford University Hacked Again, 978 Users Exposed

The university's public website is still full of security holes

Stanford Site Full of Security Holes, Defaced by Hackers

Stanford Site Full of Security Holes, Defaced by Hackers

Indian hackers took advantage of the vulnerabilities

TeaMp0isoN Leaks Data from UCLA, Wayne and Hampshire County Sites

TeaMp0isoN Leaks Data from UCLA, Wayne and Hampshire County Sites

The hackers wanted to prove once again that security is an illusion

Operation Big 10: Top Universities Made Aware of Risks

Operation Big 10: Top Universities Made Aware of Risks

TeamHav0k and Zer0Lulz hackers want to show that XSS flaws pose great threats

Ivy League Universities Targeted by Hackers in OpIvy

Ivy League Universities Targeted by Hackers in OpIvy

TeamHav0k and Zer0Lulz urge administrators to patch up their sites

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