Waledac (Kelihos) Spam Botnet Used for Pump-and-Dump Stock Fraud

Waledac (Kelihos) Spam Botnet Used for Pump-and-Dump Stock Fraud

Marijuana growers might discover themselves as the victims of a stock fraud that originated from online spam

Pump and Dump Spam Claims Apple Is Launching “Secret New Product”

Pump and Dump Spam Claims Apple Is Launching “Secret New Product”

Three variants of such emails have been identified by experts

Pump and Dump Spammers Leverage Syrian Conflict to Trick Users into Buying MONK Stock

Pump and Dump Spammers Leverage Syrian Conflict to Trick Users into Buying MONK Stock

Be on the lookout for such emails to avoid helping fraudsters make a profit

Beware of Spam Emails Advertising Monarchy Resources

Beware of Spam Emails Advertising Monarchy Resources

The scammers are about to make a hefty profit with the aid of a pump and dump spam run

Pump and Dump Spam Leverages the Name of UK’s ICO

Pump and Dump Spam Leverages the Name of UK’s ICO

Scammers are trying to convince users to buy shares in a company

Spam Gets Blasted. SEC Takes No Prisoners!

Spam Gets Blasted. SEC Takes No Prisoners!

A decrease of unwanted messages