These labels would remind people that some fuels greatly harm the environment

Sep 7, 2013 01:31 GMT  ·  By
Greenheads hope gas stations will soon pun up warning sings about climate change, global warming
   Greenheads hope gas stations will soon pun up warning sings about climate change, global warming

Canadian-based Green group Our Horizon is now looking to increase awareness about how various fuels harm the environment by having gasoline pumps display various warning signs.

Rob Shirkey, the man who founded the nonprofit organization, explains that these warning signs would not be all that different from the ones sported by cigarette packs, Mongabay reports.

“Use of this fuel product contributes to ocean acidification which puts much marine life at risk of extinction,” one label would read.

“Use of this fuel product contributes to climate change which may put up to 30% of species at a likely risk of extinction,” another one would say.

Needless to say, the goal is to compel people to think twice before filling up their gas tanks and heading for the open road.

I don't know about you, but I for one think this idea might actually work.

Check out the video below to learn more about this project.

#FaceTheChange from Our Horizon on Vimeo.