Only for those who dare to be different

Feb 18, 2009 18:31 GMT  ·  By
Neon pink hair will make a comeback this spring, stylists are saying
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   Neon pink hair will make a comeback this spring, stylists are saying

There is not a woman on this planet who doesn’t want to be different. For those who actually dare to do anything in this direction, stylists and the celebrities they tend to on a daily basis have something truly amazing in terms of hairstyle: neon pink dye. It’s fun, it will get people to notice you, it’s certainly different and will be the hottest trend this spring.

For starters, stylists say, pink hair is not for the faint-hearted. As a matter of fact, it is only for a select few, who manage to combine both certain physical traits and the courage it takes to pull it off. In order not to come off as ridiculous, females who want to try this shade are advised to seriously think whether they have what it takes to make pink hair work, because, once it’s done, it can hardly be redone just as easily.

Doll-faced women with porcelain skin and bright blue or green eyes, and a funky haircut to top it, are among those very select few who can rock the pink hair, stylists maintain. With such a bold color, a greater amount of attention must also be paid to the outfit and the accessories – which is not to say that you’re to turn completely emo in style, but it does imply that classic-cut outfits will only make you look bad. Pink hair is also all about the attitude and lots of self-confidence, so, if you’re lacking in these two departments, it’s best to stick to more traditional hair colors, the same experts recommend.

Celebrities like Gwen Stefani, Kelis, Christina Aguilera, Lily Allen, Pink and, more recently, Duffy, have all tried their hand at going pink, and with amazing results. Of course, they had their personal stylists to make them look as gorgeous as they did, but that is not to say that pink hair can’t also be gotten at home. All it takes is a bottle of bleach (a must, even if your natural hair color is light blond), pink dye (which can be left to take for as much as an entire night), patience, and knowing that this will definitely ruin your hair.

However, if you’re willing to take the risk of damaging it (one easy solution is to think that hair can grow back) and you truly want to be different this spring, pink is the way to go.

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Neon pink hair will make a comeback this spring, stylists are saying
Singer Pink made pink hair her trademarkLily Allen also went pink for a brief while