The business side of the process is more complicated

Mar 17, 2016 15:38 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft surprised a lot of video game fans when they announced that they are interested in connecting the Xbox One with both PCs that do not run Windows 10 and other home consoles for multiplayer action, and now Sony seems to suggest that the technical hurdles for such a move could be relatively easy to solve.

Shuhei Yoshida, the leader of the Worldwide Studios division of the company, tells Eurogamer that creating a link between the two platforms is probably the easiest part of the entire process and explains that his team has created connections between devices as different as the PlayStation 4, the PS3, the PS2, the Vita and the PC over the years.

The executive says, "Because PC is an open platform it's much more straightforward. Connecting two different closed networks is much more complicated, so we have to work with developers and publishers to understand what it is they are trying to accomplish. We also have to look at the technical aspect. The technical aspect could be the easiest. We also have to look at policy issues and business issues as well."

Sony's official position at the moment is that it wants to have a conversation with developers and publishers about connectivity between platforms but has not mentioned the Xbox One by name.

The two platform holders might come under major public pressure

It is unclear how long such conversation will take and whether the two companies can come to a general agreement or will work on simply creating links between the Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network for video games that can benefit from them.

A lot will also depend on how interested gamers are in seeing cross-platform play between the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One because requests from fans of big shooter franchises and other multiplayer-focused titles might force both companies to move fast.

Recently the team at Microsoft has been making moves to integrate its home console with the Windows 10 devices, offering PC versions of future major titles like Quantum Break.

Sony might be less interested in cross-platform play because it has an install base of more than 36 million for the PlayStation 4 and will want to increase its lead while keeping the pace of sales up.

Microsoft has not been offering sales data of its own, with estimates putting the Xbox One around 20 million units, and cross-platform play might be a way to give it a boost in the coming year.