The polar bear mum was just messing around with a spy camera

Jul 23, 2015 15:23 GMT  ·  By

A spy camera placed by wildlife researchers just outside a polar bear den inadvertently spied on a cub taking its first steps out in the wilderness when its mom knocked it over and positioned it in front of its shy offspring. 

The video, available below, was filmed as part of a new BBC documentary film called “Polar Bear - Spy on the Ice.” It's kind of like a home movie, what with it being the work of the proud mama bear, and it is now understandably making the rounds.

“Our 'Spy Cameras' captured the most intimate images of polar bears, including a cub's first steps outside of a den, thanks to some help from his mother!” reads the video's description on YouTube, where the footage was posted earlier this week.

Unfortunately, the spy camera didn't get to observe the polar bear family for too long. At one point, the mama bear, probably sick and tired of having its every step watched, delivered it a hearty blow and sent it rolling down a hill.

Even so, whatever footage the camera managed to record before being sent on its way by the bear mom is of special importance to wildlife researchers, seeing how it shows a wild polar bear family in its natural habitat.