Work on the new initial setup experience continues

Dec 12, 2017 03:27 GMT  ·  By

System76 informed Softpedia today on the general availability of a brand new HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) daemon for all of their Linux laptops and desktops that enables support for HiDPI displays.

We reported last week on the upcoming support for HiDPI displays coming to System76's for its Ubuntu-based Pop!_OS Linux distro, and it didn't take long for them to release the new daemon that would enable HiDPI support on all of its laptops and desktops where Ubuntu or Pop!_OS Linux is installed.

HiDPI support was becoming an urgent necessity for System76 as more and more customers started asking for assistance in setting up their displays. And while the Wayland display server isn't yet mature enough to be adopted by all GPU vendors and completely replace X.Org, there was a need for a compromise.

It took them a while, but full HiDPI support is finally here and will work with a wide range of multi-monitor configurations. System76 says that both Intel and Nvidia graphics cards are currently supported by the new HiDPI service, which is designed to listen for display events and optimizes display settings for the best user experience possible.

"You can now plug in a LoDPI external display to your Galago Pro or your HiDPI Oryx, Serval, or Bonobo and expect it to just work. The same is true when plugging a HiDPI display into any other System76 laptop. No more complicated tricks every time you plug a second monitor in," reads the announcement. "We also made it simple to switch displays between HiDPI and LoDPI."

System76 still works on an integrated installer for Pop!_OS Linux

Until full HiDPI support is becoming a part of the Pop!_OS Linux experience, System76's engineers continue their work on the promised integrated installer for the operating system, which will bring a brand new initial setup experience to customers who bought a laptop or desktop computer with Pop!_OS Linux pre-installed.

Their goal is to make the introduction to Pop!_OS Linux a little bit special than the usual, monotony series of button clicks required the first time setting up your new System76 computer. This will be integrated into the upcoming release of Pop!_OS Linux, which will be based on Canonical's Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) operating system, due for release on April 26, 2018.

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HiDPI notification

POP!_OS Linux (2 Images)

HiDPI support now available on System76 PCs
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