You can make Yorick repeat your tweets while wearing a cool pair of glasses

Oct 24, 2013 09:30 GMT  ·  By

Raspberry Pi has been used in a lot of interesting ways, but it seems that it can still surprise us with new uses and crazy ideas.

According to the guys and gals from The Raspberry Foundation, a US marketing agency has put together a skull, a Raspberry Pi and Arduino Nano, to revive Yorick, the famous character from Shakespeare's Hamlet.

“To make him a bit more at home on Twitter, we’ve replaced RT with ‘retweet,’ # with ‘hashtag’ and some other ways to make him a bit less like grandma getting on the interwebs for the first time.”

“The audio is amplified through a USB speaker stuck in poor Yorick’s skull, and sent to an input pin on the Arduino. The Arduino polls the pin for analog value every 20ms, mapping the average value of the past 4 readings to a servo position for smooth and responsive jaw movement,” stated Marc, one of the developers responsible for the revival of Yorick.

Getting him to talk is simple. Just send him a tweet and mention his name in it, @wedurick. In a few seconds you will see and hear him live (or it, if you prefer), repeating your tweet. It's an amazingly funny experience, albeit a little bit creepy.