Malware caused damages of $160 / €140 per incident

Sep 17, 2015 00:10 GMT  ·  By

A joint study by B2B International and Kaspersky Lab highlights that 45% of all surveyed users have encountered a form of malware while surfing the Web, from their desktop, laptop, or mobile phone.

The survey underlines a rising trend in Internet security, which saw increased activity during the past year like never before.

Looking at the data, the survey points out that 13% of all surveyed users don't know how they got infected, while 12% blame it on visiting suspicious websites.

Most malware incidents occurred while surfing the Web using Windows PCs, which is normal since most software products target this platform first, and so do malware authors.

35% of users recognized malware infections due to the performance lag in their machine, 30% said they were redirected to websites they did not intend to visit, and 20% had rogue software installed on their devices.

Additionally, one in three users reported financial losses due to infections, with most costs coming from replacing damaged equipment or paying a professional to fix or reinstall the device's software or operating system. The average value of these costs was $160 / €140.

Among other things, the survey also dealt with identity theft, 36% of all respondents claiming they were the victim of at least one event during which somebody tried to acquire their personal and private details during the past year.

You can read more details regarding account hacking, financial attacks, risk awareness and more, by downloading the 2015 Consumer Security Risks Survey in full from Kaspersky's website.

Status of malware incidents during the past year
Status of malware incidents during the past year

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How did people recognize malware infections
Status of malware incidents during the past year
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