Adds better detection of missing Nvidia drivers

Jun 26, 2017 15:14 GMT  ·  By

Jiří Janoušek was pleased to announce the release of Nuvola Player 4.5, a new stable update to the 4.x series of the open-source cloud music player for GNU/Linux desktops.

The Nuvola Player project is designed as a wrapper for various cloud music services that runs as a web-based interface in a standalone app that fully integrates with your Linux desktop's elements, such as the system tray area, notifications system, dock menu, and even Ubuntu's sound menu.

New features included in the Nuvola Player 4.5 release are the integration of the progress and volume bars for both Google Play Music and Deezer cloud music services, thanks to the implementation of new APIs that let users seek an audio stream to any position and change the volume.

"Web app scripts which use this feature can not only provide track length & position and current volume but also allow a user to change that remotely, e.g. from Media Player GNOME Shell extension. At present, only Deezer and Google Play Music scripts use these features, but others will follow," says the developer.

Better detection of Nvidia drivers, Flash bug fixed

Among other noteworthy changes that landed in the Nuvola Player 4.5 release, we can mention better detection of Nvidia graphics drivers, providing users with installation instructions if they aren't installed, and the implementation of a workaround for long-time issues with the Adobe Flash plugin.

Under the hood, Nuvola Player 4.5 has a couple of new dependencies, specifically libdrm 2.2 and libdri2 1.0 or later versions. The Nuvola SDK 4.5 and Diorite 4.5 components are also included in this update, which you can download right now from our website or directly from the project's homepage as a Flatpak.