A fresh update for Nuvola Player has been released

Feb 15, 2016 09:03 GMT  ·  By

Nuvola Player, a web interface for cloud music services that runs in its own window and provides integration with a Linux desktop, has been upgraded to version 3.0.1.

With the advent of cloud music services, more people rely on online libraries. Many users no longer keep the music on their devices and listen to music from other online sources, like Google Play for example.

The Nuvola Player is more or less a frontend for online music libraries and gives users the same kind of overall experience, like desktop notifications or integration with the desktop environment. It's really easy to use, and its developers always keep it updated.

What's new in Nuvola Player 3.0.1

According to the changelog, the configuration option --with-appindicator has been removed as AppIndicator integration is currently unmaintained, the web app integration template has been moved to its own repository, and the `nuvolaplayer3 --help` screen now lists also the `-a/--app-id` argument used to launch a particular service, and all pop-up windows now can pop up a new window.

As you can see, this is just a maintenance release, and it doesn't have too many changes or fixes for that matter. Since 3.0.1 is just the first update, it's very likely that we'll have to wait a little bit more for new features to land in the player.

If you are using Ubuntu, installing the latest version of Nuvola Player is actually quite simple because the developers are providing a PPA. Users will have to add the Tiliado repository by running a simple deb file, and then you can install the player with the following commands:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install nuvolaplayer
Check the changelog for a complete list of new features and download Nuvola Player 3.0.1 right now from Softpedia. Please keep in mind that this is the source package, and you will need to compile it.