The server-oriented distro is based on CentOS 7

Jul 13, 2016 19:40 GMT  ·  By

Today, July 13, 2016, Softpedia has been informed by NethServer's Alessio Fattorini about the immediate availability for download of the first Beta release towards the NethServer 7 Linux operating system.

Last week, we told you everything there was to know about what was coming in NethServer 7 Beta 1. We thus mentioned goodies such as the beautiful new "Light Polygons" theme by default, redesigned "Shared Folder" page with Virtual Hosts and Active Directory Domain Controller role in mind, as well as easy management of the web server configuration thanks to a brand new Virtual Host panel.

Additionally, NethServer 7 Beta 1 lets users configure a Green interface in Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) mode, merges the MultiWan configuration into the Network page, and adds support for the popular Let's Encrypt SSL certificate provider in Certificate Management panel's new certificate page, which also allows users to edit the default self-signed certificates.

"The most notable new feature that needs a good amount of testing is the AD Domain Controller setup, with particular focus on the depending functions such as email, shared folders and user authentication," said Alessio Fattorini. "With this release, we enter a feature freeze phase, all work on adding new core features is suspended, shifting the effort towards fixing bugs and improving the stability and user experience."

Simplified Network Service panel, new Upstream proxy panel

Since our previous story about the new features implemented in NethServer 7, Alessio Fattorini and his team of skillful developers have managed to add many other exciting changes. Among them are a simplified Network Services panel with new firewall rules and zones, a new Upstream proxy panel, improvements to the first-time configuration wizard, and much more.

If you want to get an early taste of NethServer 7, we invite you to download the Beta 1 ISO image, which only supported 64-bit (x86_64) platforms, right now via our website. The final NethServer 7 release will be based on CentOS 7. However, we have to warn you that this is Beta-quality software, so you shouldn't deploy it on your stable, production-ready machines just yet. Check out the gallery below to see the new features in action.

New Virtual Host panel
New Virtual Host panel
“Reload page” button in Software Center
“Reload page” button in Software Center

NethServer 7 Beta 1 (9 Images)

New look for NethServer 7
New Virtual Host panel“Reload page” button in Software Center