Observatory code is open source and available on GitHub

Aug 26, 2016 02:24 GMT  ·  By

Mozilla security engineer April King released a project called Observatory, a free website security scanning utility, similar to SSL Labs and High-Tech Bridge's scanning service.

The service, working on top of a Python codebase made available on GitHub, has been under development for months and was approved for a public launch only yesterday.

Observatory is aimed at developers, system administrators, and security professionals that want to configure sites to use modern security protocols.

Service uses A to F scores to grade website security

Observatory scans for the presence of basic security features and then gives out a grade from 0 to 130, which is then converted into an A to F score.

In its current form, the service scans for the following: [1] Content Security Policy (CSP) status, [2] cookie files using Secure flag, [3] Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) status, [4] HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) status, [5] HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) status, [6] the presence of an automatic redirection from HTTP to HTTPS, [7] Subresource Integrity (SRI) status, [8] X-Content-Type-Options status, [9] X-Frame-Options (XFO) status, and [10] X-XSS-Protection status.

All basic security recommendations, albeit extremely hard to implement, a reason why many websites still don't use them.

Over 91% of current websites fail Observatory's tests

According to King, who performed automatic scans of over 1.3 million websites, over 91 percent of modern-day websites fail Observatory's tests.

"When nine out of 10 websites receive a failing grade, it’s clear that this is a problem for everyone. And by “everyone”, I’m including Mozilla — among our thousands of sites, a great deal of them fail to pass," King wrote yesterday, revealing that Observatory was developed to help Mozilla tests their own domains first.

Year Technology Attack Vector Adoption†
1995 Secure HTTP (HTTPS) Man-in-the-middle
Network eavesdropping
1997 Secure Cookies Network eavesdropping 1.88%
2008 X-Content-Type-Options MIME type confusion 6.19%
2009 - 2011 HttpOnly Cookies Cross-site scripting (XSS)
Session theft
2009 - 2011 X-Frame-Options Clickjacking 6.83%
2010 X-XSS-Protection Cross-site scripting 5.03%
2010 - 2015 Content Security Policy Cross-site scripting .012%
2012 HTTP Strict Transport Security Man-in-the-middle
Network eavesdropping
2013 - 2015 HTTP Public Key Pinning Certificate misissuance .414%
2014 HSTS Preloading Man-in-the-middle .158%
2014 - 2016 Subresource Integrity Content Delivery Network (CDN) compromise .015%
2015 - 2016 SameSite Cookies Cross-site reference forgery (CSRF) N/A
2015 - 2016 Cookie Prefixes Cookie overrides by untrusted sources N/A
† Adoption rate amongst the Alexa top million websites as of April 2016.